To increase the efficiency of professional and scientific research work, as well as the study programmes that are or will be performed at the PAR University College, departments have been established as organizational units.
- Department of Management and Organization
- Department of Economics, Finance and Law
- Department of Marketing and Communications
- Department of Applied Sciences (Mathematics, Statistics and Information technologies)
- Department of Foreign Languages
Tasks of the department:
- organization and realization of scientific-teaching work within the department
- drafting the work program and monitoring the implementation of the work program
- preparation of the proposal of the executive curriculum for the subjects belonging to the department
- concern for curriculum improvement
- making proposals for topics of final papers in subjects belonging to the department
- conducting scientific research work
- care for the selection and scientific and teaching progress of its associates and teachers
- cooperation with other organizational units and with the economy
- cooperation with scientific, professional and social institutions in the country and abroad
- expressing the need for IT and / or other equipment within the department
- assembly of demonstrators for each department,
- monitoring and evaluation of the work of demonstrators

doc. dr. sc. Gordana Nikolić
Head of the Department of Management, Organization and Management

doc. dr. sc. Bisera Karanović
Head of the Department of Economics, Finance and Law

dr. sc. Žarko Stilin
Head of the Department of Marketing and Communication

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Dražić
Head of the Department of Applied Sciences

Katarina Vorkapić, prof., univ. spec. iur.
Head of the Department of Foreign Languages
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