PILC Conference
PAR International Leadership Conference (PILC)
PILC is the only scientific and professional conference on leadership in Croatia, created as a response to the need to link theoretical knowledge and professional skills. The organizer of the PILC conference is PAR University College with its international partners.
PILC is unique in its programme structure since it includes a scientific and professional programme. Therefore, the conference offers the opportunity to present papers in the field of leadership in the scientific programme but also the opportunity to acquire leadership skills in the professional part of the programme.
The conference addresses the topics of leadership and management, education, sports, tourism and the economy in general. The official languages of the conference are English and Croatian, and an umbrella topic within the field of leadership is dedicated each year to a new area.
The aim of the conference is to provide the experience and knowledge in management and leadership, needed to develop effective management skills and maximize the interaction of conference participants with the aim of increasing the global competitiveness of organizations, institutions and individuals.
PILC throught the years
PILC 2012 – Women’s leadership
PILC 2013 – Leadership for Life
PILC 2014 – Effective teams – a formula for success
PILC 2015 – Leadership for change: the key to successful growth
PILC 2016 – Leadership through partnership
PILC 2017 – Creative Leadership
PILC 2018 – From entrepreneurs to leaders
PILC 2019 – The Impact of Business Angels on Global Entrepreneurship
PILC 2020 – Effective leadership in tourism and sports
PLC 2019
PLC 2018
PLC 2017
PLC 2016
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