Infobip Business Internships 2023-Fall
INFOBIP BUSINESS INTERNSHIP Dear students, We are pleased to announce the Business edition of internship programs organized by Infobip in 2023. Apart from the fact that you will be able
PAR University of Applied Sciences offers you a mentoring approach, consultations, real experience from the world of business, accessibility of professors and staff, and many other benefits. We always give more to our students.
INFOBIP BUSINESS INTERNSHIP Dear students, We are pleased to announce the Business edition of internship programs organized by Infobip in 2023. Apart from the fact that you will be able
Focus PAR University of Applied Sciences (Rijeka, Croatia) is looking for a junior researcher interested in educational topics, with a particular emphasis on dual education. Context This year PAR UAS
Researcher for the EU4Dual Croatian project team Focus University of Applied Sciences PAR (Rijeka, Croatia) is looking for a researcher experienced in project management, familiar with providing empirical research and
Yesterday, the final conference of the Erasmus + project of the ‘Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship’ (ASE) project was held in the premises of the PAR Business School, with the participation
Croatian Football Club Rijeka and PAR Business School signed a cooperation by which PAR became the educational PARtner of HNK Rijeka. It is about signing a cooperation agreement which enables
studijskih programa
sati prakse
zapošljivosti nakon diplome
(ne) formalnih programa usavršavanja
predavača iz realnog sektora
omjer nastave i prakse
zapošljivosti nakon diplome
inter-institucijskih ugovora
strateških partnerstava
međunarodnih studenata
međunarodne škole
semestra na engleskom
Saznaj sve o aktualnim ponudama, novostima i događajima u Veleučilištu PAR.
The development of the site was co-financed as part of the Call for Proposals “WWW vouchers for SMEs” reference number KK.
The content of the site is the sole responsibility of the users of the PAR University of Applied Sciences, Trg Riječke rezolucije 4, 51 000 Rijeka.
For more information on EU funds, visit the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds www.strukturnifondovi.hr